Sunday, November 05, 2006

some of the reasons why i should thank you dad

dad, you asked me to type for you a post to be published thanking us, your children for assuming the responsibilities which you claim you failed to fully accomplish. it should be us, your children who should be thanking you for so many things you have done for us... your sacrifices just so that we could grow up to what we are right now. we would never have been who we are if not for you.

i could never ask for more from a father, too. i have learned so much from you. and although i may be a bit of a disappointment to you now for my mistakes in life, and for those i truly am sorry, i would like you to know that without you, i would never have been the person that i am now.there are so many things i learned from you when i was growing up. here are some of them... some reasons why i should thank you.

i could still vividly remember the way you wake us up in the morning. although we sleep late during vacations, which could irritate most parents, you always wake us up in a manner that no one could resist but to wake up just to please you... even how much we want to sleep some more. i could still hear you saying, "Ne, mahal ko, gising ka na. ibili mo sandali ang mommy mo ng isda sa palengke at kawawa naman.". you say this with so much love that though i really want to shout "i still want to sleep.", i would wake up just to please you. this i apply everytime i wake ada up to go to school so as not to ruin her day because i know that waking her up in the way you did, she would be inspired to wake up and would surely have a pleasant day like i had in my childhood. so daddy thank you for waking me up the way you did when i was young. i experienced waking up with such enthusiasm that i know few ever had.

another is your trivia everytime you read or remembered one. you always try to supply us with information as much as you can, sometimes in a form of trivia usually injected in our meals together... like where did the word sandwich start, why did they call the policemen cops and the like. you say them in such a way that we get so interested to listen and learn from them. then we would start laughing at the answers or at one of us who didn't get the joke or the punchline with the others. thank you daddy for those information... and for exerting so much effort to make us well informed and at the same time happy. we are so blessed to have a father who 'creates' time to do these inspite of your hectic schedule.

my interest and prowess in mathematics were because of you. i dreamed of becoming an electrical engineer like you as much as i would like to become a doctor. you were so patient in teaching me math that it made me if not the top, one of them as my teachers, and report cards would attest. and again for this, thank you, daddy.

as i am trying to site reasons to thank you, i noticed that it would be endless and my post is becoming too long yet i have not yet even mentioned the most important things i want to thank you for. this will be too boring for my readers, if i have some. so daddy, i'll end this here. i'll make another especially for the missing ones... your sacrifices for us.




from your baby,


Friday, November 03, 2006


as i promised my dad, i got his writings and started to type them for him. one of them was intended to thank his father who died many years ago. there he wrote that he wasn't able to express his appreciation to his father for being his role model and for his role in rearing him before his father died. and would like to do so before he himself leave this world for he wrote he has limited time in this world himself. then his next one was written to thank us his children for assuming his responsibilities he claimed he failed to fully accomplish because he had a stroke and cannot work much as he likes to. these made me cry and thought of making a blog mainly intended to thank people in my life... those who touched my life one way or another... these will be for you...

Thursday, November 02, 2006


i was encouraged by my best friend joi to start blogging by giving his wife's blogspot as an example. at first i was hesitant. a person who never even tried to make an essay without red marks after checking?... a person who loves math and never liked writing?... a person like me would start writing? it seems impossible. but due to my eagerness to follow my best friends (you know who you are) advices because i know they would not give them to me if they believe they would be harmful to or for me, i started writing.
to my surprise, there are those who liked what i wrote. someone even asked me to write something for him because he said "tutal writer ka naman..." meaning he thinks i am a writer. what a laugh. but it made me start believing i have a little writer hidden somewhere. not a professional one though, for i know i still have lots to learn... for i am still a greenstick at this.
because i began to like writing, i encouraged my father who had a stroke in 1993 making his left side weaker than his right. i notice him whenever i go home, which is very seldom nowadays, to be sitting in one corner. he seems to be thinking a lot. we don't know what. he also seems to like to tell a friend of his stories of his past. so like my friend joi, i encouraged him to write his stories, thoughts and feelings down. then i promised to get them to publish them for him. he liked the idea and started writing too.
so to my best friend joi and his wife malaine, here is something you could be proud of. you made two people write down their thoughts and express how they feel in writings. so to both of you, thank you very much. i still have lots to thank you both i know, but i would like to start with this one.
God has sent you to my life to help me in more ways than you know. Thank you !!!...

original blog

WHERE EAGLES FLY... is all about finding our place under the sky... where we can be free... where we can be contented... impossible?... you maybe right... this will tackle journeys to what we believe as our CORNERS OF THE SKY... join me in those journeys... READ and CONTRIBUTE... you may find you too have something to share...
here is the link to that blog...